
Debt Collection Agency Trying to Collect an Amount You Don’t Owe?

In the world of debt collection, as in the world of sports, sometimes the best defense is a good offense. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act is a powerful consumer protection tool that can be used to stop a debt collector from trying to collect a debt that you don’t owe or an amount that you don’t owe. Debt collectors usually attempt to collect a debt by putting it on your credit report, calling you, writing you and/or filing a lawsuit against you. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act says that it is a violation of the Act for a debt collector to attempt to collect a supposed debt that is not owed or an amount that is not owed.

When a debt collector violates the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, they can be sued in Federal court. The resolution of such a lawsuit often may include an agreement to stop collecting on the supposed debt, zero it out and/or delete any credit reporting of the supposed debt.

If a debt collector is trying to collect a debt from you that you don’t owe, or is trying to collect an amount that you don’t owe, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and our office may be able to help you take care of the debt and remove it from your credit report. Please contact our office for a consultation.